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Seastar Solutions

Sierra International Seastar Nfb Safe T II Rotary Steering System, 11ft, SS13211 SS13211

Sierra International Seastar Nfb Safe T II Rotary Steering System, 11ft, SS13211 SS13211

Regular price $442.00
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The next generation of the world's most popular rotary steering helm, the SeaStar Solutions Safe-T® II helm fits right into original Safe-T dash cutouts, so there's no drilling or dash modification at all.
The first choice of boat builders as well as retro-fitters, the rugged, lightweight, and compact Safe-T II helm unit with quick response 3.0 turn steering and NFB (No FeedBack*) technology takes the work out of steering on most outboard powered boats with engines up to a V-4 without power-assisted steering^.

NFB Safe-T II Steering Kit Features...
• Suitable for all non-power-assisted V-4 and smaller outboards in which there is minimal engine flutter or steering instability
• Patented No FeedBack™ steering mechanism
• Quick response of 3.0 wheel turns lock-to-lock
• Minimal NFB clutch free play
• Standard 3/4" tapered shaft
• Stainless steel cable output ends minimize corrosion
• Wheel not included
• Meets ABYC standards and NMMA certification requirements

What's in the box...
Kits include — single cable NFB Safe-T II helm unit (SH5150P), 90° bezel (SB27150P), mounting hardware, and (1) QC Cable (SSC62xx) (the "xx" in the part number is the length of the cable in feet.
Note: an optional Tilt Helm Module (SHT9119O) is available for this steering kit. Please contact Fisheries Supply for details at 800-426-6930.

* What is NFB?
NFB stands for "No FeedBack", and is an exclusive feature built into SeaStar Solutions helms to fight propeller torque feedback.

In standard mechanical steering systems, the turning of the propeller creates a torque force which can be felt in the steering wheel as a tendancy for the boat to constantly want to turn in one direction. To keep the boat going straight, this veering must be constantly "fought" by the person steering the boat.
A corollary effect is that the boat can be turned in one direction with just one finger, but requires two hands to turn in the other direction. This is especially apparent with larger engines (over 40 - 50 horsepower), as well as at higher speeds.

For about a hundred bucks more than a standard helm mechanism, SeaStar Solutions NFB helms incorporate an internal clutch mechanism that grips the steering shaft whenever you are not actively steering. This significantly decreases the tiresome effect of prop torque — without having to spend an extra thousand dollars for an hydraulic system to completely eliminate the feedback.

When you take your hands off the wheel with a standard mechanical steering system the boat will quickly start to turn of its own accord. With an NFB system, that turning tendency will be much slower to start and can be controlled with less effort.
An hydraulic system, on the other hand, will completely eliminate propeller torque feedback, so you can take your hands off the wheel, and the boat will continue to track straight (all other things being equal).
Hydraulic steering is a real advantage for boats with larger engines or which travel at high speeds, and is highly recommended for those applications.

In case you were wondering, boats with inboard engines do not experience prop torque since you steer them with a rudder, not by having to turn the entire drive unit and propeller - as with an outboard or I/O.

^NFB steering helms should never be used with autopilots, power-assisted steering systems, or second helm stations.
This is because No Feedback Helm Systems have that internal clutch mechanism, mentioned above, which grips the steering wheel shaft and locks it in place whenever you are not actually turning the steering wheel. Therefore, the steering cables are also locked in place.
Any external mechanism - such as a second helm unit, autopilot, or power-assist - that attempts to adjust the position of the outboard or I/O drive unit (or the attached steering cables) will meet with substantial resistance from the NFB helm clutches, possibly damaging the autopilot or power-assisrt unit.

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